Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Resize WinForm Controls Automatically

Let' say you have a form with a ListBox and OK and Cancel buttons.

You want controls to be resized automatically when a form is resized. This is how you can achieve this by using the Anchor property:

Place all controls inside a GroupBox. Set the Anchor and Dock properties

GroupBox properties:
Anchor : Top, Bottom, Left, Right
Dock : None

Buttons properties:
Anchor : Bottom, Right
Dock : None

ListBox properties:
Anchor : Top, Bottom, Left, Right
Dock : None

Save Window Position in Registry

This is how you could save a Window position in the Registry so that the Window position could be restored next time the Form loads.

Declare the following constant strings:

 public const string REGKEY = @"SOFTWARE\MyCompany\MyApp\"; 
public const string WINWIDTH = "windowWidth";
public const string WINHEIGHT = "windowHeight";

Then, create a key for your application in the Registry. 
Declare a RegistryKey variable:
private RegistryKey key;

Use the following method to obtain the key:

public RegistryKey GetKey(string RegKey)
            RegistryKey Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(RegKey, true);
            if (Key == null)
                Key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(RegKey);
            return Key;

key =  GetKey(REGKEY);

Get window width and height:

int width = Form1.Size.Width;
int height = Form1.Size.Height;
Save window width and height in the registry and close the RegistryKey.

key.SetValue(WINWIDTH, width);
key.SetValue(WINHEIGHT, height);
When you load your form, read the values from the registry:
width = Convert.ToInt16 (key.GetValue(WINWIDTH));
height = Convert.ToInt16 (key.GetValue(WINHEIGHT));

Set the new window size:
Form1.Size = new Size(width, height);